PM-headed panel wants strategy plan for RTI implementation

New Delhi, April 02: To improve the implementation of the Right to Information Act, a high-powered Committee on Government Performance headed by the Prime Minister has asked all Central ministries and departments to prepare a strategy plan for the next few years.

As part of its preparation, the Department of Personnel and Training has sought replies from stakeholders to a questionnaire on the performance and implementation of the RTI Act by April 15.

“A High Powered Committee on Government Performance headed by the Prime Minister has decided that all Ministries and Departments in the Government of India are to prepare a strategy plan for the next few years under the Performance Monitoring and Evaluation System (PMES),” a DoPT circular said.

“The Department of Personnel and Training is the nodal department in the Government of India for the Right to Information Act, 2005. In its efforts to frame its strategy the Department is consulting all its stakeholders. A questionnaire has been prepared to that end. Responses to the questionnaire may kindly be submitted by April 15,” it said.