Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has appealed to the people to make Haritha Haram Phase III program a grand success. He said more priority to protection of the trees and saplings be given than planting them. He wanted Green Brigades formed to plant and protect saplings.
The Chief Minister held a review meeting on the third phase of Haritha Haram here on Wednesday. Ministers Tummala Nageshwar Rao, A Indrakaran Reddy, Govt Advisor KV Ramanachary, MP Balka Suman, Civil Supplies Corporation Chairman Peddi Sudarshan Reddy, Agriculture University Vice-Chancellor Praveen Rao, Principal Secretary to CM S Narsing Rao, Secretary Smita Sabarwal, OSD Priyanka Varghese and others were present.
“I will formally launch the program in Karimnagar on July 12 where a lakh saplings will be planted in the next 15 days. Some 25,000 saplings will be planted on July 12 and from the next day, some 5,000 saplings per day should be planted. Make arrangements for planting the saplings at one go. Digging the pits, setting up of tree guards and for planting saplings, 25,000 persons should be engaged in the drive. Prepare next plan of action. At the time of planting the saplings, sirens in Mosques should be played. The moment siren is heard, start plating the saplings. There are 50 Divisions in KarimnagarCity. Deploy one officer or elected representative per division as the brigadier. Form Green Brigades with the students in every Division,” the CM instructed.
“Form Green Brigades all over the State. Brigades should be formed with students, women and employees at every place. Senior official or elected representative should be the Brigadier. Planting of saplings, setting up tree guards, watering the plants during summer, arranging water tankers and workers for the purpose should be undertaken. Realise that protecting trees is as important as planting the saplings,” the CM exhorted. (NSS)