Hyderabad: Stating that the public health care system which has a large interface with the public round the clock has suffered neglect in the combined State and is presently in a pathetic state, the Telangana State Finance Minister Etela Rajender has said, in his Budget speech in the State Legislature today that stabilization, standardization and consolidation of medical and health services in the State are the main focus area in 2016-17.
He said the measures proposed to improve the health system in the State on par with private health care include provision of best diagnostic facilities in teaching and district hospitals, improving the availability of medicines as well as surgical facilities in all hospitals. He said the Chief Minister is resolved to totally revamp the health system in the State, which suffered total neglect in the combined State. About 40 Dialysis and 40 Diagnostic centres are also proposed. It is proposed to fill up vacant posts including those of doctors and to provide suitable incentives for doctors working in rural areas.
Double Lane Roads
The Minister said that the Government has decided to undertake laying of double lane roads from Mandal headquarters to district headquarters and four lane roads connecting each district headquarters to the State capital. The Roads and Buildings department has taken up the construction of new roads with a length of 2,570 kms in a phased manner. About 4,000 kms of roads are being repaired.
Modernization of Police System
Etela said the Government has assigned top priority for the modernization of the police system and has been providing adequate funds for the same in an unprecedented manner. In the first two years of the formation of the State, over 4,000 modern vehicles have been procured and 3,896 posts have been sanctioned for four new Indian Reserve battalions. Other initiatives include installation of city wide CCTV system at all vital installations and public places. An amount of Rs.225 crore has been proposed in 2016-17 for city wide CCTV Surveillance system, the Minister added. (NSS).
Plans to Improve Medical, Health Services in TS State