New Delhi: Welfare Party of India held a national convention at Constitutional Club of India, New Delhi in which noted political and social personalities participated.
They alleged that Modi Govt. is doing vote bank politics on religious grounds.
Biased media
Supreme Court of India did not overlook anyone but our biased media is engaged in propagating that all those whose names are not found in NRC are the intruders. It is preparing an atmosphere for sending such persons out of the country.
It is an organized conspiracy to deprive some persons of their Indian citizenship.
The participants condemned the statement made by Home Minister, Mr. Amit Shah in which he had stated that there is no need to be afraid of NRC for the Hindus, Sikhs and Christians.
The speakers opined that it is disrespect to constitution. A high profile personality occupying the dignified position should not have talked in this manner. It tarnishes the image of the country.
Noted Human Rights activists told that all those who have Aadhar card, Passport and those whose parents have been in Assam, their names have been deleted.
Planned conspiracy
It only shows that under the pretext of NRC, a planned conspiracy has been hatched to dislodge the Muslims from Assam which has the second largest Muslim concentration after Kashmir.
Persons whose surname or language is Bengali have been deleted from the NRC. In this manner, nearly 8 lakh persons have been deleted from the list.
Peace and justice loving persons stressed the need for resolving this issue on humanitarian basis.
Maulana Arshad said that while entering the names in NRC, partiality has been exercised. He expressed the anxiety that Govt. of India is making an attempt to declare its own citizen foreigners.
In many cases, the names of the Muslims have wrongly been entered.
Ten years back, there was no concept of getting birth certificates.
Dr. Apurvanand Jha, Professor of Delhi University told that the world is changing now. Indians are getting elected as MPs in foreign countries but those who have been living in India for several years are being treated as foreigners.
Christian leader, Dr. John Dayal told that by introducing Citizenship Bill in the parliament, Govt. of India is providing citizenship to the Hindus, Buddhists and others on the basis of their religions but neglecting the Muslims.
Noted Supreme Court Lawyer, Mr. Sanjay Hegde told that it is the conspiracy of the Govt. of India to treat the Muslims of Assam as foreigners.
Mr. Mohammed Saleem, Vice President of Jamat-e-Islami told that the children of freedom fighters, Govt. employees are being treated as foreigners.
Rajya Sabha MP, Mr. Ahmed Hasan Imran told that there is a fear psychosis about NRC. He also told that BJP leaders are afraid of going into Muslims concentration areas in Assam.