New Delhi: Indian Overseas Congress chief Sam Pitroda on Saturday attacked the BJP government for questioning his loyalty to the nation when he raised a few queries about Balakot strikes.
“A few weeks ago when I said something about Balakot, immediately Prime Minister Narendra Modi started tweeting. The head of the BJP party went wild and called a press conference. Congress leaders started calling me why did you say that? I said what I said? I said the truth,” he said while speaking at a function here
“If they (IAF) killed 300, it’s ok. All I am saying is can you give me more facts and prove it. People of the nation need to know. The global media says nobody was killed making me look bad as an Indian citizen,” Pitroda had said while talking about the airstrikes carried out by India inside Pakistani territory, a statement which drew flak from the people across the nation.
He continued his attack on the PM by saying that Modi is speaking just like US President Donald Trump on the issue of immigrants while presenting Muslims as a threat and enemy to the nation.
“Trump says that problem is at the Mexican border and immigrants are the problem (for America). The same thing is being said by the government here. The present government says the border is in danger and Muslims are enemy,” said Pitroda, while speaking at the Gyansamwad programme at Rajendra Bhawan here.