The Bajrang Dal activists burnt effigy of Valentine near GPO in Abids area of Hyderabad. The group is once again up in arms against Valentine’s Day and threatened some pubs and clubs in Banjara and Jubilee Hills. Pics. Murli
The Bajrang Dal activists burnt effigy of Valentine near GPO in Abids area of Hyderabad. The group is once again up in arms against Valentine’s Day and threatened some pubs and clubs in Banjara and Jubilee Hills. Pics. Murli
The Bajrang Dal activists burnt effigy of Valentine near GPO in Abids area of Hyderabad. The group is once again up in arms against Valentine’s Day and threatened some pubs and clubs in Banjara and Jubilee Hills. Pics. Murli
The Bajrang Dal activists burnt effigy of Valentine near GPO in Abids area of Hyderabad. The group is once again up in arms against Valentine’s Day and threatened some pubs and clubs in Banjara and Jubilee Hills. Pics. Murli
The Bajrang Dal activists burnt effigy of Valentine near GPO in Abids area of Hyderabad. The group is once again up in arms against Valentine’s Day and threatened some pubs and clubs in Banjara and Jubilee Hills. Pics. Murli
The Bajrang Dal activists burnt effigy of Valentine near GPO in Abids area of Hyderabad. The group is once again up in arms against Valentine’s Day and threatened some pubs and clubs in Banjara and Jubilee Hills. Pics. Murli
The Bajrang Dal activists burnt effigy of Valentine near GPO in Abids area of Hyderabad. The group is once again up in arms against Valentine’s Day and threatened some pubs and clubs in Banjara and Jubilee Hills. Pics. Murli