Marakkanam: A labourer works at a salt pan, during a government-imposed nationwide lockdown as a preventive measure against the coronavirus, at Marakkanam in Viluppuram district, Thursday, May 7, 2020. Spread over 4,000 acres, the Marakkanam salt pans are the third-largest producer of salt in Tamil Nadu. (PTI Photo/R Senthil Kumar)
Marakkanam: Labourers work at a salt pan, during a government-imposed nationwide lockdown as a preventive measure against the coronavirus, at Marakkanam in Viluppuram district, Thursday, May 7, 2020. Spread over 4,000 acres, the Marakkanam salt pans are the third-largest producer of salt in Tamil Nadu. (PTI Photo/R Senthil Kumar)
Marakkanam: Labourers work at a salt pan, during a government-imposed nationwide lockdown as a preventive measure against the coronavirus, at Marakkanam in Viluppuram district, Thursday, May 7, 2020. Spread over 4,000 acres, the Marakkanam salt pans are the third-largest producer of salt in Tamil Nadu. (PTI Photo/R Senthil Kumar) Marakkanam: A labourer works at a salt pan, during a government-imposed nationwide lockdown as a preventive measure against the coronavirus, at Marakkanam in Viluppuram district, Thursday, May 7, 2020. Spread over 4,000 acres, the Marakkanam salt pans are the third-largest producer of salt in Tamil Nadu. (PTI Photo/R Senthil Kumar)
Marakkanam: Labourer works at a salt pan, during a government-imposed nationwide lockdown as a preventive measure against the coronavirus, at Marakkanam in Viluppuram district, about 120 km from Chennai, Thursday, May 7, 2020. Spread over 4,000 acres, the Marakkanam salt pans are the third-largest producer of salt in Tamil Nadu. (PTI Photo/R Senthil Kumar)
Marakkanam: Labourer works at a salt pan, during a government-imposed nationwide lockdown as a preventive measure against the coronavirus, at Marakkanam in Viluppuram district, about 120 km from Chennai, Thursday, May 7, 2020. Spread over 4,000 acres, the Marakkanam salt pans are the third-largest producer of salt in Tamil Nadu. (PTI Photo/R Senthil Kumar)