Guwahati: A labourer is seen standing on a rickshaw carrying vegetables on her way to work on the occasion of Labour Day, during the nationwide lockdown in the wake of coronavirus pandemic, in Guwahati, Friday, May 01, 2020. (PTI Photo)
Patna: Labourers are seen working at an under-construction site on Labour Day, during the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown, in Patna, Friday, May 01, 2020. (PTI Photo)
Patna: Labourers unload sacks from a truck while working on Labour Day, during the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown, in Patna, Friday, May 01, 2020. (PTI Photo)
Chandigarh: Labourers are seen working at a brick factory on Labour Day, during the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown, in Chandigarh, Friday, May 01, 2020. (PTI Photo)
Prayagraj: Labourers are seen working at a brick factory on Labour Day, during the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown, in Prayagraj, Friday, May 01, 2020. (PTI Photo)
Prayagraj: Postmen on their way to work on the occasion of Labour Day, during the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown, in Prayagraj, Friday, May 01, 2020. (PTI Photo)
Amethi: Labourers are seen working at a railway track on Labour Day, during the ongoing Lockdown, in Amethi, Friday, May 01, 2020. (PTI Photo)
Chikmagalur: Labourers maintaining social distance amid concerns over COVID-19 wait for their health check-up at a camp, organised on the occasion of International Workers Day, in Chikmagalur, Friday, May 1, 2020. (PTI Photo)
Chikmagalur: Labourers maintaining social distance amid concerns over COVID-19 wait for their health check-up at a camp, organised on the occasion of International Workers Day, in Chikmagalur, Friday, May 1, 2020. (PTI Photo)
Agartala: Labourers load a truck with sacks of food grains on International Labour Day, in Agartala, Friday, May 1, 2020. The world observes Labour Day on May 1 each year to celebrate the achievements of workers. (PTI Photo)
Kolkata: Labourers carry bananas on a trolley-rickshaw to a market on International Labour Day, amid ongoing COVID-19 lockdown in Kolkata, Friday, May 1, 2020. (PTI Photo/Ashok Bhaumik)
Ghaziabad: Phoolu (45), a full-time worker shows his hands after cleaning a manhole, during the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown, in Ghaziabad, Friday, May 01, 2020. Phoolu has a daughter and has been working since he was 10 years of age. He continues choicelessly to work inside sewer lines to earn a living amid this pandemic, exposing his body to added risk. (PTI Photo/Ravi Choudhary)