Mumbai: Indian Bollywood actors Ajay Devgn with his wife Kajol Devgn attended the launch of the environmental campaign “Start a little Good” during the “Plastic Banega Fantastic” event, in Mumbai on January 19, 2019. (AFP)
Indian Bollywood actors Ajay Devgn with his wife Kajol Devgn arrive to the launch of the environmental campaign “Start a little Good” during the “Plastic Banega Fantastic” event, in Mumbai on January 19, 2019. (Photo by Sujit Jaiswal / AFP)
Indian Bollywood actors Ajay Devgn with his wife Kajol Devgn attend the launch of the environmental campaign “Start a little Good” during the “Plastic Banega Fantastic” event, in Mumbai on January 19, 2019. (Photo by Sujit Jaiswal / AFP)
Indian Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn attends the launch of the environmental campaign “Start a little Good” during the “Plastic Banega Fantastic” event, in Mumbai on January 19, 2019. (Photo by Sujit Jaiswal / AFP)
Indian Bollywood actress Kajol Devgn attends the launch of the environmental campaign “Start a little Good” during the “Plastic Banega Fantastic” event, in Mumbai on January 19, 2019. (Photo by Sujit Jaiswal / AFP)
Indian Bollywood actress Kajol Devgn attends the launch of the environmental campaign “Start a little Good” during the “Plastic Banega Fantastic” event, in Mumbai on January 19, 2019. (Photo by Sujit Jaiswal / AFP)