Pfizer CEO avoids question on ineffectiveness of COVID-19 vaccine

The chief executive officer (CEO) of pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Albert Bourla ignored questions regarding the ineffectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine when confronted by Rebel News at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos on Friday.

In a video, the CEO is bombarded with questions such as, “Mr Bourla, can I ask you – when did you know the vaccines did not stop transmission? How long did you know that before saying it publicly?”. He responds by saying, “Thank you very much.”

When the reporter questions Bourla on why the latter did not disclose that vaccines cannot stop transmission, Bourla remained mum.

“You said it was 100% effective, then 90%, then 80%, then 70%, but we now know that the vaccines do not stop transmission. Why do you keep that secret?” asked the reporter to which Bourla replied, “Have a nice day.”

When asked how much money he made from the vaccine, Bourla kept quiet.

According to a report by the news agency AFP, Pfizer offered 23 of its patented drugs to poor countries during the peak of the pandemic. It was offered on a no-profit basis. Last year Pfizer announced its new initiative – An Accord for a Healthier World – that would include off-patent drugs, a total of 500 products.

“The Accord portfolio offering now includes both patented and off-patent medicines and vaccines that treat or prevent many of the greatest infectious and non-communicable disease threats faced today in lower-income countries,” Pfizer said.