Petrol pump in Mysuru provides free fuel to COVID-19 warriors

A petrol pump in Mysuru, Karnataka has pledged to provide free fuel to COVID-19 warriors during a time where the fuel prices have been soaring in the country.

In a very thoughtful gesture, a petrol pump called N Sundaram and Sons, located near the Bogadi circle has pledged to provide 5 liters of free fuel to all medical and non-medical COVID-19 warriors.

Kumar KS, the proprietor of the fuel station came up with this idea that has benefitted over 50 COVID-19 volunteers so far. Kumar has also launched several other relief schemes that include providing food kits to the needy during the pandemic.

Suresh Kumar, a part of the group that made this decision, spoke about Kumar KS and said, “At a meeting, we were discussing the tireless and selfless work of Covid volunteers. Kumar then decided to offer free petrol worth Rs 20,000 to volunteers and handed over coupons to me. He asked me to pass them on to those working on the ground,” in a statement to The New Indian Express.

This incentive includes not only healthcare practitioners, but also delivery executives, drivers, and everyone else who has been on the frontline of India’s COVID-19 relief.

Yashas, one of the volunteers who benefitted from this gesture, said, “It is good that our work is getting recognized. People are coming up with novel ideas to do their bit and motivating others to join and contribute to society.”

In a difficult time like the pandemic, gestures like these restore hope in the world and faith in humanity!