Mumbai: A petition was filed in the Bombay High Court on Monday challenging the Maratha Reservation Act. It was filed soon after the Maharashtra government filed a caveat on the Act before the Supreme Court.
Advocate Gunaratna Sadavarte who filed the petition argued that the reservation given to Maratha community is beyond permissible limits of the Constitution. A caveat has already been filed in the High Court by Vinod Patil, a petitioner from the Maratha community.
The Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis-led government filed the caveat before the apex court earlier in the day on the Act which was passed by both Houses of the state Assembly on November 29.
A caveat is a legal process in which a party, which files it before the concerned court, is given a hearing and the court passes its order only after the hearing.
On November 30, Maharashtra Governor C Vidyasagar Rao signed the Maratha Reservation Bill that proposes 16 per cent reservation for Marathas under educationally and socially backward category.
On November 18, the Maharashtra government cabinet had approved the Bill for which the community has been protesting since 2017.