Washington: On Oct. 18th of 2019, only weeks prior to ground zero being declared in Wuhan, China, due to COVID-19 pandemic, two major events took place. “Event 201” and the “Military World Games,” held in none other than Wuhan. Since then a worldwide push for vaccines & biometric tracking has been initiated.
At the forefront of this Bill Gates publicly stated his interest in “reducing population growth” by 10-15%, by means of vaccination. Gates, UNICEF & WHO have already been credibly accused of intentionally sterilizing Kenyan children through the use of a hidden HCG antigen in tetanus vaccines.
Congress & all other governing bodies of United States have started a petition for public inquiry. The petition received 535,222 signatures as of 11th May.
“We Call For Investigations Into The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation For Medical Malpractice & Crimes Against Humanity”. The petition can be signed thru’ the following link: