Hyderabad: A 29-year-old man was arrested by the cyber crime police here on Friday for fraudulently claiming the Income-tax returns. The accused has been identified as Shashidar Reddy of Vishakapatnam.
According to the police, the accused obtained PAN and Aadhar card details of NRIs from different sources and opened fake accounts. He then claimed the ITRs (Income tax returns) on their names and used the money.
According to a release, from the city police, the issue came to light when one Hanumantha Rao from Secunderabad informed the police. He had filed his Income tax returns for his NRI client, for which he furnished his bank account details in the ITR as ICICI Bank, branch Bund Garden, in Pune.
While they were following up for the refund via the National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) website in the months of May and June 2021, they came to know that the refund was processed and issued to the banker.
However, as they did not get a refund to the ICICI bank account, they raised several grievance tickets in the income tax portal and finally to their surprise they learnt that the refund was already credited on June 16 to an Indus Ind Bank account at Dwaraka Nagar Branch, said the police.
Upon checking the portal, they found that the bank account was updated in the income tax portal and the profile details were also changed. Based on his complaint the cybercrime registered a case and was investigated. The cyber crime police in Hyderabad has cautioned the public not to share the PAN, Aadhar and any of their sensitive information with others.