Delhi Water Minister Kapil Mishra on Monday wrote to Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh demanding action against “fake” social media accounts impersonating him and trying to incite “communal and caste-based” tensions.
Mishra, who is known for his active social media presence, alleged that the way these fake accounts and posts are being promoted betrays a “systematic, professional and organised attempt” to incite violence.
“Some posts are so…poisonous that people reading and spreading (them are) openly giving threats of attacking me,” Mishra’s letter to Singh and Delhi Police Commissioner Alok Verma, said.
Mishra listed ‘@kapilmishrapp and @JalMantri’ as the fake Twitter handles and ‘@unofficial KapilMishra and @KapilMishraG’ to be the fake Facebook accounts.
“I am writing to you to ensure strict criminal action against such people as people running these accounts are causing a threat to communal harmony in an organised and criminal manner,” the AAP leader said.