Bijnore: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav on Wednesday claimed that the people who were forced to stand in queues outside banks and ATMs, following demonetisation announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on November 8, will now queue up outside polling stations to reject the BJP.
Addressing an election rally in Bijnore, the 43-year-old Samajwadi Party (SP) National President also took a dig at Modi’s comment that there was a storm (aandhi) in favour of the BJP in the state that goes to polls between February 11 and March 8.
He said that people saying so do not realise that the Samajwadi ‘cycle’ pedals easily even in the worst of storms. “Ye aandhi waale nahin jaante ki Samajwadi log cycle aandhi mein phi chalana jaante hain,” he said as the supporters of his party cheered.
Exhorting people to vote for the Samajwadi Party and “create history” by repeating a government for the second straight term, Akhilesh detailed the achievements of his government, like pensions to poor families to the Agra-Lucknow Expressway, laptop distribution, creating more jobs and ushering in the Metro Rail.
He also promised more jobs and smartphones to the youth and good quality pressure cookers to women.