Upset by police’s failure to trace two women missing for almost two months from Ashram Basti in the city, residents of the area today blocked the Rohtak Road Bypass for nearly three hours, causing a huge traffic jam.
Accusing the police of inaction in the case, the protesters demanded that the women be traced soon.
On hearing about the blockade, SHO of the city police station Captan Singh along with police force reached the spot and tried to pacify the crowd, but the people did not listen and the traffic remained disrupted for nearly three hours.
Later, Singh assured the people that he will get the case investigated by officials of their choice, after which the protesters relented and lifted the blockade.
The case dates back to November 8 when an anganwadi worker of Ashram Basti Santosh had gone to the house of her neighbour Brahmi Devi for sleeping. However, the two had gone missing in the night.
A case in this regard was registered by Santosh’s family on November 11. But when the women remained untraced, the victim’s family sat on a dharna on November 25, after which Brahmi Devi’s husband Ramdiya was arrested. But the women are still missing.