Hyderabad: The Rachakonda police on Tuesday invoked the preventive Detention Act (PD Act) against the main organizer of an inter-district gambling and cock fighting ring in Bhongir. The police have arrested the offender, identified as Yampala Madusudhan Reddy, who was already facing charges for harassing a minor girl. He was arrested in an ongoing drive by the police against the habitual offenders.
Police officials stated that Madusudhan Reddy has been involved in betting rings, and was also the main organizer of illegal cockfighting matches in districts. The Commissioner of Rachakonda Police, Mahesh Bhagwat, invoked the PD Act against him and detained him in the central prison in Cherlapally.
He was earlier arrested by Bhongir police for harassing a minor girl under 354 (D) 506 IPCR/w 12 of Protection of Children from sexual offences Act, 2012 and was remanded in judicial custody.
The Bhongir Rural Police raided a gaming shed belonging to one Dharmender situated on the outskirts of Hanumapuram where they found Madusudhan Reddy along with Koyyada Prabhakar, Slevareddy, Alwala Suresh and Golla Srinu Yadav, who were organizing gambling (cards). While all the 20 members were arrested by the police, Bejjala Naveen and Madusudhan Reddy managed to flee from the scene.
According to the police, Madhusudhan Reddy used to buy cocks (Roosters) from Andhra Pradesh and nourished them at his house. He would collect Rs 500 from each customer as an entry fee and later collect commission on each game of cock fighting. Reddy used to lure the public to bet on the roosters and would get people hooked on to the game.
After the aforemention raid, the police seized Rs 1,51,210, 40 cocks (live-25, dead-15), knives used to tie to cock legs -60, mobile phones- 20, 5 cars, and motorcycles- 33 from their possession. Later, Yampala Madusudhan Reddy was arrested by the police.