Transactions made through the Aadhaar payment bridge system (APBS) of the National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI) has reached a new milestone with the total number of transactions in December crossing the 1 crore mark, the corporation said today.
Bulk of these transactions pertains to direct benefit transfer for LPG subsidy, it said.
The Aadhaar mapper located at NPCI has close to 5 crore numbers mapped to various banks and government departments make payments to about 5 lakh beneficiaries each day using just the Aadhaar number as the address.
“NPCI plans to roll out various payment and authentication services based on the Aadhaar numbers during 2014,” said NPCI Head A P Hota, adding “the target is to reach 10 crore Aadhaar-based transactions a month by December 2014.