Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan president on Thursday slammed BJP on various issues and questioned the ruling party at Centre on a host of issues.
The actor-turned-politician who supported the BJP during 2014 General Elections took to Twitter saying that he wanted to communicate with the party on the various issues. He Tweeted , “The ‘Jana Sena Party’ which had supported the BJP & TDP alliance in 2014 elections in both AP, Telangana but also in Karnataka (for BJP) would like to communicate to BJP led central Govt on the following issues: Cow Slaughter, Rohit Vemula Suicide, Patriotism, Demonetisation and AP Special Status.
The actor came down heavily on the BJP saying that it was pitting one section of people on the other. He said that on cow slaughter the party was igniting communal passion. He asked the party as to why it had not imposed beef ban in Goa state ruled by BJP. He said that he would raise other issues in the following days. (INN)