Patna: Hours after a road caved at an under construction site in Patna on Sunday, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar took stock of the situation and assured strict action, if a case of official negligence emerges. The road caved in on Bailey road due to heavy downpour and waterlogging.
Kumar, who reached the incident spot, said that a thorough study will be conducted in order to avoid such incidents in future.
“This is a 100 year-old-road which got broke due to heavy rains in the region from the past couple of days. Authorities will again conduct a detailed study pertaining to the flaws in the construction. If any official found guilty in this incident, the government will take strict action,” said Kumar.
He further said that the authorities will make efforts to reconstruct the road in order to ease the commute for the people residing in the area. He also added that the suggestions of experts from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) will also be taken into consideration before reviving the construction.
The Chief Minister also directed the officials to first check the groundwater level before taking the next step in this construction project.
“I have told officials to check groundwater level. As it is a part of the metro rail network, a thorough report will be made. This incident has cautioned us to prevent such incidents in future. Movement of light and heavy vehicles will be regulated,” he added. (ANI)