Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao today accused the rulers of previous governments as drama players with regard to completing the Penganga in Adilabad and other projects in Telangana region before bifurcation. Adilabad which is like Kashmir to Telangana state will be developed on par with other districts he said. During elections the so called parties have played dramas on completing Penganga and other projects and ignored them later on KCR alleged. The district, he said, will irrigate 70000 acres this year by spending adequate funds. KCR who is on his tour to Peddapally and other areas to attend some development programs has addressed a public meeting and took pot shots at the previous Congress and TDP Governments for deliberately ignoring the projects for about five decades.
KCR announced to sanction Rs 870 cr for Kadem project, R 28 cr for Sathnala project and Rs 210 cr for Gomutri reservoir in Bodh mandal and Rs 85 cr for Adilabad town development. He alleged that the Congress and other opposition parties are joining hands to blame the government. KCR claimed that only the TRS Government gave power to farm sector which was ignored by the past governments despite tall promises.
The TRS Government has resolved the pending projects by taking up the issue with the Maharashtra government. Now the Adilabad will get waters from Penganga project through Satnala in six months he announced amid wide applause from the gathering. He also asked the officials to complete it on a war-footing to ensure water supply as per plan. He exhorted the peopled to participate in development process being unmindful of differences. (NSS)