Patna: Welcoming Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s clarification that there was no ban on ‘toddy’ sale in the state, Akhil Bharatiya Pasi Samaj’s (ABPS) state unit today appealed the state government to come out with a fresh order stating clearly the places where it could be sold.
The confusion over ‘toddy’ sale has led to police action on members of the community, ABPS Bihar president Jagdish Choudhary told reporters here.
“We welcome Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s statement in which he has clarified there is no ban on toddy sale. Pasi community is very happy with the clarification,” he said.
It would benefit around 20 lakh people belonging to the Pasi community in the state, whose traditional occupation is ‘toddy’ business, he added.
Nitish Kumar while addressing a workshop on ‘Complete Prohibition in Bihar’ on April 14 had said there was no ban on ‘toddy’ sale and attacked leaders for “provoking” Pasi community involved in the business.