All party leaders, including K Jana Reddy (Congress), L Ramana, A Revanth Reddy, Errabelli Dayakar Rao (TTDP), Dr K Laxman (BJP), Chintala Ramachandra Reddy (BJP), K Shiva Kumar (YSRCP), Ponguleti Sudhakar Reddy (Congress) and others today met the State Election Commissioner Nagi Reddy and lodged a complaint alleging that rigging took place at several divisions in the GHMC elections and urged the Commissioner to conduct a repelling where violence took place.
On the occasion, Chitala Ramachandra Reddy expressed anger at Nagi Reddy and asked the latter to where are pink shirts. Interfering, Congress senior leader V Hanumantha Rao silenced Chintala. Reacting to this, Chintala also expressed his anger at VH, who told Chintala to respect a person who was in a Constitutional position. (NSS)