New Delhi: In a scathing attack on Congress, Union Home Minister Amit Shah said on Friday that partition of India on the basis of religion was a mistake by then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Replying to a debate on Jammu and Kashmir in Lok Sabha, he also blamed Nehru for the present situation and problems in Kashmir.
“Partition of the country on the basis of religion was a mistake. It was a historical mistake,” Shah said. Shah said the present situation in Kashmir was the outcome of the misdeeds of Nehru who referred the issue of ‘Accession of Kashmir to India’ to UNO and proclaimed article 370 there.
“One-third of Jammu and Kashmir is not with us. Who is responsible for it? Who called for ceasefire back then? It was Jawaharlal Nehru who did it and gave that portion(PoK) to Pakistan. You say we don’t take people into confidence, but Nehru ji did it without taking the then Home Minister into confidence,” he said. Shah said if the then Home Minister was taken into confidence, the entire Kashmir had been part of India.
Shah said Sardar Patel led the accession of most of the princely states including Hyderabad and Junagarh and both are today part of India. “Article 370 is effective only in Jammu and Kashmir, which was negotiated by the then Prime Minister,” Shah said.
“The country is suffering due to his (Nehru) mistakes. Thousands of people were killed in partition and terrorism spread across the country,” he said. Shah’s remarks led to verbal spat between the Opposition and the treasury benches with the Congress leaders objecting to the continued reference of Nehru by Shah.