Mumbai, February 28:In a reshuffle in the top rankingIPS officers, Maharashtra Government today appointed AjitParasnis as Director General of Police (DGP), while ArupPatnaik is the new Mumbai Police Commissioner.
The 1976-batch IPS officer Parasnis was DirectorGeneral (Home Guards) being before shifted to the top post,while Patnaik was Additional Director General (HighwayTraffic).
Parasnis is the new DGP, while Arup Patnaik has beenappointed Mumbai Police Commissioner,” Home Minister R R Patiltold PTI.
Parasnis (59) succeeded D Sivanandan, who retired today. Since Sivanandan was reluctant for an extension, theHome Department has appointed Parasnis to the top job, sources said.
Parasnis is the senior-most IPS officer in the state, followed by K Subramaniam, DG (Anti-Corruption Bureau) and Pankaj Gupta, Additional DG (Planning and Co-ordination).
“I am happy that I am heading Maharashtra Police department for which my father used to work for. There are anumber of challenges, but I will focus on tackling terrorism,Naxalism and maintaining communal harmony. I want the commonman to feel safe and secure,” he said after taking charge.
Patnaik, who belongs to 1979-IPS batch, replacedSanjeev Dayal (1977 batch), who was promoted as DirectorGeneral (Housing), a post lying vacant since the retirement ofP P Srivastava a few months ago.
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