Panjab University announces Junior Research Fellowship 2014

Panjab University, Chandigarh announces admission to Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in the DST sponsored research Project entitled “Collaboration by Indian Physicists on Neutrino Physics” as per the details given below:

JRF (Temporary): Two

Rs. 16000/- pm plus HRA (NET) / Rs. 12000/- pm plus HRA (NET-LS)

M.Sc. Physics / M.Sc. (Physics & Electronics) 1st division with NET/NET (LS)
Application Form: Send your application, resume with supporting documents (hardcopies) by 07th June 2014 to the undersigned
An advance copy of the application could be sent by email also:
Dr. Vipin Bhatnagar
PI, DST Research Project
Dept. of Physics
PU, Chandigarh-160014 (UT), Email:
Panjab University, Chandigarh
(Department of Physics)
Centre of Advanced Study in Physics, Phone: +91-172-2541741