In a shocking incident, around eight panchas of a caste panchayat in Maharashtra’s Parbhani district allegedly demanded sexual favours from a woman after her husband refused to pay Rs 6 lakh sought by them for ‘settling’ his ‘debt’.
Andhashraddha Nirmulan Samiti had come out in support of the complainant couple. However, police said no official complaint filed in the case with any police station.
The couple identified as Deepak and Bhore who belongs to ‘Gondhali’ community.
The duo, both residents of Selu in Parbhani district of Marathwada, had taken a loan of Rs 9,00, 000 from the panchas of their community around two years ago. They claimed that though they had repaid Rs 2.50 lakh to panchayat, the caste body demanded Rs 6 lakh to ‘settle the outstanding amount’ which the couple refused to pay, prompting the panchas to ostracize them.
Deepak’s wife claimed that the panchas demanded sexual favours from her if her husband was failed to pay Rs 6 lakh for ‘settling’ the debt.
According to the complainants, When Deepak told them that he could not pay the huge amount, the members ordered him to send his wife as payment. The outraged couple has left their home to live with relatives in Nashik.
Later on Wednesday evening, the Gondhali jat panchayat apologized to the family and asked them to return to the village.
Meanwhile, Ugle contacted MANS activist, Krishna Chandgude in Nashik and sought his help.
Chandgude first convinced the couple to speak up against the panchayat’s diktat and also apprised the district administration about the issue.
He said that there was a need for a stringent act against such draconian panchyat system.
“As the Gondhali panchayat is going to be scrapped it will come as a reprieve for lakhs of people from the community,” Chandgude added.