Ratna Chotrani
September is the month of palindrome days. A palindrome is a sequence of characters that read the same forward and backward. Most often, people refer to palindromes that are words or phrases.
Some examples of words include kayak, radar, racecar, and level. Some examples of phrases include, “UFO tofu,” “Mr. Owl ate my metal worm,” or “Go hang a salami, Of course, we must consider the first greeting, “Madam I’m Adam.” The longest palindrome sentence is 17,826 words long and has 74,633 letters.
According to Dr. Garry J. Senn Director Patrick Science Education Centre University of South Carolina Aiken and Dr. Arvind Paranjpye Director Nehru Planetarium Nehru Centre Mumbai
These are the palindrome dates for September 2019.
9/1/19 – 9119
9/10/19 – 91019
9/11/19 – 91119
9/12/19 – 91219
9/13/19 – 91319
9/14/19 – 91419
9/15/19 – 91519
9/16/19 – 91619
9/17/19 – 91719
9/18/19 – 91819
9/19/19 – 91919
For the longest palindrome date in this series, consider 9/10/2019 – 9102019.
If you include a time during any of those dates you could even celebrate a specific palindrome moment. For instance, on 9/10/19 be ready for 19 seconds after 9:10. The palindrome would be:9101991019.