A Palestinian man has reportedly called off his marriage with a woman he was engaged to for the past 18 months, because of her apparently inoffensive comment on a post on Facebook.
The woman, identified as M.A, met the man via Facebook, who broke off because of a ‘Like’ and congratulatory comment she posted on the page of a female friend.
According to Gulf News, the man, a Palestinian US resident identified as A.A was scheduled to marry the woman in the coming summer, but through online messages, which read as: ‘You are divorced, divorced, divorced’, he called off the marriage.
The woman said that her to-be husband knew the female friend of hers but had never objected to before, but she was not sad for losing him, adding that A.A clearly wanted a woman who does not have any knowledge of Facebook or Internet applications.
The report added that the case comes only few days after the Palestinian Higher Fatwa Council approved online dating for members of the opposite sex, with the sole aim of marriage. (ANI)