Palestine wins historic statehood backing at UN

In a historic vote at the UN, Palestinians today won a virtual approval from the world for their longstanding quest for statehood with an overwhelming support at the General Assembly that isolated Israel and the US, and set off jubilant celebrations in Gaza and West Bank.

India, which co-sponsored the resolution, was among the 138 countries that voted in favour of the Palestinian request for upgrading its status to non-member observer state from its current entity status at the 193 member world body.
Only nine countries including the US, Israel, Canada, and Czech Republic voted against the resolution while 41 countries including the UK abstained from the vote.

Though largely symbolic and having only moral connotations, the victory that comes days after a major Israeli assault at Gaza, is a stinging diplomatic setback to the US and Israel and showed significant international backing for Palestine.

In a passionate plea before the vote, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said the UN now had a “moral and historic duty” to “salvage the chances for peace” and “issue a birth certificate” to the Palestinian state.