Palestine mulls situation after Israeli teenagers’ bodies found

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Monday called for an emergency meeting to discuss the situation after three missing Israeli teenagers were found dead and Israeli authorities blamed Islamic militant group of Hamas over the killings.

According to a high-ranking Palestinian official, who requested for anonymity, said Abbas has asked for the US’ intervention to put an end to more Israeli military escalation in response to the three Israelis’ killing, Xinhua reported.

“Abbas has condemned the incident of kidnapping the three Israelis and reiterated that the Palestinians condemn all types of violence,” the official added.

Abbas has warned the US of Israel’s exaggeration of dragging the entire region to the quarter of violence and tension by using the incident of the three Israelis as an excuse to undermine the peace process.

The bodies of the kidnapped Eyal Yifrach,19, Naftali Frankel,16, and Gilad Shaer, 16, were found in the Judean Hills in the West Bank, north of Hebron, between the Palestinian towns of Beit Ummar and Halhul.

They were discovered in an area controlled by the Palestinian Authority, not far from where they were considered to be kidnapped.