The fate of contestants of Palair byepoll will be announced on Thursday with arrangements for counting votes polled were made in Khammam district. The election held on May 16 saw a huge turnout of voters who registered 89.73 per cent of votes. As many as 1,70,800 voters exercised their franchise in the polling while during previous election 90.01 per cent of votes polled. The ruling party leaders are pinning hopes of getting a landslide as the voter turnout was more than expected. They are also expecting better majority at Khammam rural, Tirumalaya Palem mandals. While Minister Tummala Nageshwar Rao is in fray from ruling party, the congress roped in Sucharitha Reddy widow of Ramreddy Venkat Reddy and CPM fielded P Sudershan. (NSS)