Pakistan has been ranked 132 in a total of 142 countries in the global prosperity index by Legatum Institute.
The Legatum Prosperity Index that assesses global wealth and wellbeing, in its 2013 report has ranked Pakistan near the bottom of the least prosperous countries based on parameters like economy, education, entrepreneurship and opportunity, governance, health, personal freedom , safety and security and social capital.
According to the Express Tribune, Pakistan is facing stagnation in terms of prosperity even as the global propensity has risen over the past five years.
The LPI’s Pakistan profile suggests that Pakistan slipped from 107 in 2009 to 132 in 2013, and secures 107 ranking for its economy as its GDP per-capita growth rate of 1.6 percent is lower than in the rest of the world.
The Index ranked Pakistan 100 for its entrepreneurship and opportunity, despite only 49 percent people considering the nation to be a ‘good place’ to start up a business.
Pakistan has fared 123, 124, 110, 140, 135, 130 under sub indexes of governance, education, health, safety and security, personal freedom and social charity respectively.
The top 10 most prosperous and free nations have seen Norway as the most prosperous nation followed by Switzerland, Canada, Sweden and New Zealand at the best five positions, with Denmark, Australia, Finland, Netherlands and Luxembourg at the remaining top ten positions.
The least prosperous and free countries on the list of 142 countries include Angola at 133rd position followed by Haiti, Guinea, Yemen, Togo, Burundi, Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic and Chad at the last position. (ANI)