Mumbai: Actor Ujjwal Chopra, who essayed the role of Gora Singh in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s “Padmaavat”, will play a mysterious and dangerous character Z in the show “Hankaar”.
“Z is quite different from what I have played so far. He is mysterious, dangerous and quite the opposite of the courageous Gora Singh. Both roles are poles apart and extremely challenging to play,” Ujjwal said in a statement.
“Playing these characters helped me in discovering my own strengths as an actor.”
Talking about his “Padmaavat” co-star Ranveer Singh, he said “It was enthralling to watch Ranveer Singh play a menacing character with dedication and honesty. As an underworld don, Z, too is devoid of any compassion. Acting alongside Ranveer in ‘Padmaavat’ aided me in approaching Z from a different perspective.”
“Hankaar” is Hungama’s original show. Ruled by the dreaded underworld don, Z (Ujjwal), Mumbai is just a chessboard for him with its residents merely pawns. With the reins of the city in his hands, Z ensures that every major criminal business in the city belongs to him and every individual is under his thumb.