Excise Minister T Padma Rao Goud today launched Annapurna stall to provide Rs 5 a meal at Warasiguda cross roads in Boudhanagar division here. The minister also served food to the people on the occasion had lunch along with the poor and others who gathered.
Speaking on the occasion the minister said that the government has launched the scheme to provide food to the poor, workers at cheap price of Rs 5 in coordination with Hare Ram Hare Krishna center and GHMC together taken up the massive program. The minister expressing satisfaction at the food items said that the poor can enjoy the same. So far about 1 crore people have got the taste of food through 150 stalls opened in the twin cities. Since a large number of people majority of whom are workers and common man flock the city on various works. Mainly the program is like a blessing for the poor students, daily wage workers, labourers, throwing cart and others. The Telangana Government is pro poor and committed for their welfare and development Padma Rao Goud said. We have launched the Annapurna Stalls across the twin cities to offer the meals at low cost the minister claimed. (NSS)