Patidar Anamat Andolan Samiti, spearheading the quota stir for reservation in Gujarat, has threatened to launch an indefinite hunger strike after December 21 if its leaders including Hardik Patel are not released from jail. PAAS leaders from across the state today handed over common memorandums to district collectors and other government officials at taluka level in various parts.
The organisation said its members will resort to indefinite fast across the state if its demands are not met by December 21. The Patel leaders asked the government to release their leaders who were arrested by police during their recent agitation seeking reservation for community members in government jobs and education institutes.
“Our members today gave such memorandum to collectors and mamlatdars in various parts of state. Our leaders and other Patel youths are lodged behind bars on false charges. We will not give up till they are released,” said city PAAS convener Atul Patel.