Bollywood actor Arjun Rampal says his early days as a model in the fashion industry helped him carve his own niche in Bollywood. “Earlier in the fashion industry, there were a few designers coming out, trying to do their thing, (with) very few shows. Each one had a distinct style. All that helped me to grow and evolve into movies and now producing a film,” Rampal told reporters here.
The Rock On star said he has seen fashion industry grow tremendously over the years, something which he is absolutely proud of. “Fashion industry has given me a lot.
I’ve always observed it extremely closely and I am so proud today to see how wonderfully it has grown with such wonderful talent. “It has been nearly two decades, this industry is finally out there doing fantastic work in India, internationally and everywhere contributing immensely,” he said.
Rampal, 44, was speaking at the preview show of Blenders Pride Fashion Tour, where ‘Reflections of Style’ was unveiled. Designers like Masaba, Rohit Gandhi and Rahul Khanna, Shantanu and Nikhil, Amit Agarwal, Falguni and Shane Peacock, Manish Arora, Rajesh Pratap Singh presented a glimpse of their collection.
Rampal said he had attended the first show of the programme and was happy that it was now in its 12th year. “It is really a difficult task to bring the designers under one roof. I don’t know anybody who would’ve done that. Different designers coming together under one roof. It is not very acceptable at least when I was around at that time.