Mathura: Two motorcycle-borne men snatched a bag containing Rs 4.25 lakh from a 60-year-old man when he was leaving a bank at the Chowki Bagh Bahadur area here on Thursday, police said.
The men snatched the bag from Ramesh Chandra Meena and fled the area, they said.
The incident took place as soon as Meena came out of the “Punjab National Bank on Thursday forenoon after withdrawing the amount“, a police officer said.
By the time Meena raised an alarm, the miscreants had fled the area, police said, adding that he is a resident Dhauli Piau here.
Five teams have been formed and vehicles are being checked to nab the culprits, Senior Superintendent of Police Gaurav Grover told reporters at the spot.
CCTV camera footage is being examined to trace the accused, he said.