Hyderabad: The Bajrang Dal on Wednesday protested in front of Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy’s house in Hyderabad, demanding the suspension of Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Minister Kodali Sri Venkateswara Rao (Nani) for his “insensitive” comments on vandalism at Hindu temples.
Seeking apologies from the chief minister and Nani, a Bajrang Dal leader said they would protest across India if actions were not taken against those involved in temple vandalism in Andhra Pradesh, happening since last month.
“We demand suspension of Kodali Nani for his insensitive statement regarding desecration of Hanumanji’s idol. He as well as Reddy must apologise,” the Bajrang Dal leader said, demanding immediate action against the ones involved in vandalism at Hindu temples in Andhra Pradesh.
Earlier while speaking to a local channel, Nani — when asked to comment on the issue of desecration of a Hanuman idol — had downplayed the matter as one involving a “mere idol”. “What if the hand of an idol is broken? It is merely an idol,” he had said.
On a recent theft at Kanaka Durga temple in Vijayawada, he had said: “Why so much fuss over the theft of silver lions from the temple chariot? They are hardly worth Rs 6-7 lakh.”
Besides, Nani had questioned a declaration by Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams. “Why such rules are there only for the Lord Balaji temple? When there are no such rules for churches or mosques, why there are rules for Hindu temples?”
The state has been witnessing a spate of vandalism and thefts at Hindu temples and related protests since last month.
“We want the government to stop atrocities on Hindus, Hindu temples and cows in Andhra Pradesh,” said the Bajrang Dal leader.