Mumbai: Actor Sushant Singh on Tuesday dismissed the reports which claimed that his ouster from a long-running TV show has ended following his participation in the protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act and said that people have made an unnecessary issue out of it.
Speaking to ANI, the actor, who has been hosting the TV show which deals with crime stories inspired by real life events, since 2011, said that there is no link between his dissociation with the show and him participating in the protest against the citizenship law.
“December 20 is the last day of my show. I learned that I am in the news as I had joined the protest against the CAA. People have made an unnecessary issue out of it. These are two different things and let them remain two different things. Else we would get diverted from the main issue,” Singh said.
He termed the reports linking his removal from the show with his protest against Citizenship Amendment Act as “speculations”.
“These are all speculations. Channel has a full right to whom they want to continue with and not. It feels bad but I will take it professionally,” he said.
Speaking about the citizenship law, he said: “Whatever I have read, I learned that this act is against the Constitution. Our preamble says that ‘citizenship’ word is not used with any person. In India, there will be no discrimination on the ground of religion, caste and creed. But in this act, one religion has been kept outside and I don’t understand this.”
He further condemned police action on Delhi’s Jamia Milia Islamia University students and Aligarh Muslim University during their protest against the act.
“I am against the police action on students protesting over the bill. They are the future of India. They are young and if the government thinks that their protest is wrong then it shall convince them through talks and discussion,” he asserted adding that “violence is not an answer but a problem”.
He also asserted that the government should not discriminate between people of different religions when giving citizenship to people who have taken refuge in the country.
Taking to Twitter, Sushant had shared the news that his stint with the show has ended, which had led to speculations. “And, my stint with Savdhaan India has ended,” Sushant wrote.
The speculations were fuelled when the actor replied to a user by saying- “A very small price my friend. Otherwise, how will you face Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru?” after he was asked whether it was the “price” he paid for “speaking the truth”.
Sushant has been vocal against the CAA, which gives citizenship rights to Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi and Christian refugees, who had come from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan till December 31, 2014, and were facing religious persecution in their countries.