Our Glorious Heritage

Our Prophet Mohammed , Salla Allahu Wa Sallam, after enlightening us with the way of Islam, before departing from this mortal world left behind for us two things to draw strength , succor and sustenance from and to rely and rally around for all the guidance and light and power – Al-Quran, the Ultimate Word and Testament of God and his Life the Uswa-e Husna- The NOBLE MODEL.

Al-Quran , the ultimate word of God. The direct instructions, commandments and testament of Allah, conveyed to the Prophet by the Archangel Gabriel in chaste Arabic, which no Human or Jinn has been able to reproduce so far. It was declared to be the last Divine Book of the creator. It was the calumination and gist of all the earlier revealed Books. The Bible, The Taurat, Zabur etc. And it was not meant just for the followers of Mohammed (PBUH), it was meant for all mankind and for all time till the Doomsday.

What is Al Quran?

Is it some incoherent and incomprehensible and confusing divine statements and diktats, as it seems for a first time Reader. Or nothing worthwhile and relevant to our life and world as it sounds to others who do not have a good grounding into the contexts and history of the revelation of the Ayats. Or is it just a Jihad Manual, as it is presumed and taunted by those warped and jaundiced anti-Muslim minds and personalities.

Our Al Quran is a guidance, a criterion, a manifesto, a manual of mundane life and divine proof. All the knowledge and know-how of the known and the unknown, the tangible and the intangible, right from the microcosm to the macrocosm is there in the Al-Quran, directly or indirectly. Almost all the branches of sciences from embryology to cosmology, genetics, chemistry, geography, medicine, physics, oceanography to anatomy, botany, physiology you name it. The knowledge in our Al-Quran is all encompassing and inexhaustible. Some of the startling and epoch-making discoveries and scientific findings of the recent past had already been stated in our Al- Quran, much to the astonishment and awe of some of the leading scientists of modern day. Convincing and compelling them to embrace Islam ,vouching and testifying to the authenticity of our Al- Quran and its divine Authority, which the Islam bashers ascribe as the hallucinations and imaginary poetic compositions of an unlettered fanatic of a prophet of the semi-savage Bedouins.

Our Al-Quran is not just about the proof and testimony of the creator and dos and donts for Mankind. It is a complete Manual and Guide as to how Mankind is to live and survive and make the most of all that the creator has provided on earth.

The Earth was created for man to inhabit and make the full use of the creation and man was created in the best of the moulds and endowed with all the faculties to be the Master of Nature around and to follow the dictates and instructions of Allah and be accountable to Him in the End.
It is repeatedly told in the Al Quran , to observe, study, ponder, meditate and infer and understand the nature and world within and without and lead a wholesome, peaceful life and is particularly and clearly emphasized not to make mischief and trouble on Earth. And it was with this true spirit of Al Quran that the Arab Bedouins, the same semi-civilized and savage rubble and riff-raff in less than half a century conquered and subdued the then two big super-powers, the Romans and the Persians, and began a new phase in the civilization of mankind. Following the counsels of Al-Quran they created a civilization which is astonishing to this day. Our Al-Quran has been an inspiration and cause of all the achievements of the Islamic culture.

The Glorious heights to which the Arabs took the human learning and culture and refinement need chapters nay books to explain and elucidate. Suffice to quote the following passage from Emmanule Deutshe:

By the aid of Al-Quran, the Arabs conquered a world greater than that of Alexander the Great, greater than that of Rome, and in as many as tens of years as the latter had wanted hundreds to accomplish her conquests, by the aid of which alone of all the Semites, came to Europe as Kings while the Phoenicians had come as tradesmen, and the Jews as fugitives or captives. They came to Europe to hold up the light to humanity, they alone while darkness lay around to raise up the wisdom and knowledge of Hellas from the Dead to teach philosophy, medicine, astronomy and the golden art of song to the west as well to the east to stand at the cradle of modern science, and to cause us late epigone for ever to weep over the Day when Granada fell.

The often repeated and accepted notion that Islam was spread by the Muslims muaruders with Al Quran in one hand and the sword in the other is a sheer myth concocted and perpetrated by the envious anti-Muslim crusade-mongers and later by the unscrupulous mean mercenary British imperialist.

The Arabs and the Muslims of Europe were the torch – bearers of knowledge and culture and of Human civilization up to the 15th century. Passing on the torch to Europe and themselves sliding and slouching into lethargy and drudgery and downfall and doldrums up to the present.

Hazrat Ali when asked during his last days had predicted that the downfall of Muslims will set in when they let go off Al Quran, and if they have to revive, rejuvenate and regain their dominance they can do so only with and by the power and spirit of Al Quran .

And today what are we doing with our Al-Quran?

Learning it and teaching it by rote only to recite as parrots. That too in the impoverished defamed Madrasas to which only the poor orphans and destitute migrant kids go, who otherwise have no alternative to keep them occupied, become Hafiz to earn a livelihood as Imams and Mauzzeins of mosques. The Hifiz has become yet another skill of livelihood for a respectable earning.
Or Quacks and Murshads, to set- up shops and hawk chequered Talismans of Ayaats ,to cast away ghosts and spells to gullible women-folk or to get back their stray husbands, or better, to usher in prosperity and happiness in their homes by tying them to thresholds or burying them under stone-slabs or better still to literally dissolve in water and drink.

O, Muslim brethren, the first and foremost thing we must do to get out of this present morass and abject degradation is to go back to the true spirit of our Al-Quran. Allah has distinctly stated in Sura Anbiya verse 10:

We have revealed for you O Men a Book which will give you eminence, will you not then understand.

So, Muslims Brethren, First, Back to Al Quran! Back to power, back to glory, back to world suzerainity -O Akhrajtul Linnas- The Best of Mankind.