Hyderabad: Commissioner of Rachakonda police, Mr Mahesh Muralidhar Bhagwat distributed certificates and chappals to the children who completed their education.
It may be mentioned that a few days back, these children were freed from brick kilns where they were working as child labourers.
At the end of the academic year, an annual day celebration was organized at ‘work-side’ school.
Mr Bhagwat told that he distributed chappals on behalf of the Police Department. He also told that under ‘Operation Smile’, a system of ‘Work Side School’ was introduced with the help of District Collector, Officials of Education Department and a voluntary organization of Odisha. The Association of brick kiln also extended its help.
It may be noted that in most of the brick kilns, workers and their children belonging to Odisha are engaged.
Police offered them education in their mother tongue “Uriya”.
This work was started in 2017. So far, two thousand children have been educated. They were provided education up to 4th standard. They can continue their education at their native places in Odisha.
The function was attended by many officials.
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