New Delhi: In the wake of Bharatiya Janata Party legislator Ganesh Joshi on Monday attacked a police horse with a lathi, leaving the beast with a broken leg, during a protest in Dehradun against the Harish Rawat government in Uttarakhand.
The injured Shaktiman expressed his opinion.
Dear all,
Have you ever seen a mob of animals (As you call those who don’t belong to your race) cordoning you off, brutally attacking you for the reasons you are absolutely unaware of? Imagine how horrified you would be? Same happened with me on 4th march, 2016 when I lost my leg while paying off my duties diligently.
Well, I must make it clear to you that I am not penning this to cry about pain and misery I have gone through for these four days. Instead, I would like to write about my six year journey as a diligent police horse and what I think about the human race.
I always had humans as my masters and the humans I ever came across used to refer me as ‘Animal’. The word animal today keeps tangling my thoughts. An ‘animal’ is a specie who can be harmful, who can injure you for no reason…. And from whom you should always maintain a cautious distance.
But has the Homo sapiens have ever tried to figure out the animals in human skin? Or, more precisely the growing animal in every human? If not an animal, then what name should be given to somebody who harms innocents just like me on the name of disagreement?
Many of my sympathisers are writing that an ‘innocent’ horse was beaten up. They even made a hashtag #PrayforShaktiman trending on Twitter. These benevolent humans (which are only found on social media) are pained as someone who has nothing to do with the protest was victimised. I agree.
But I would like to point-out that there is nothing new. The victims of cruelty have always been innocents. Be it the case of Dadri Lynching, killings during the latest Jat riots, or a professor’s killing in Kerala for just penning his thoughts – Every time the petty and unheard have to pay the price. Today, I can relate to their feelings.
I am just not a substance, but a symbol for every innocent who’s being attacked for doing nothing by these animals who roam in civil society in human skin.
Well, now it’s time for me to talk something about myself. One of my leg – My jewel on which I was very proud of- the asset which got me a job in Indian police – lethal weapon which made me able of to fly as bullet, has been cut off.
I use to form a pivotal part of many consortiums, was given special treatments, people use to applaud my skills but I never received this huge attention as I am getting these days. People with big cameras in their hands keep surrounding me, they come with fancy gadgets in hand to capture my misery with special focus on my amputated leg. Well, I pose silently.
But I would ask them not to give me so much limelight. Instead they should give some time to person who attacked me. May be his purpose of getting some cheap popularity would be met.
The only thought which keeps haunting my head is that I will never be able to walk as gracefully as I use to do. I won’t be able to get back to my normal life again. My pain is irreparable.
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Courtesy News Nation