An open drain poses threats to the life of not only the pedestrians but also the motorists of chilka nagar in uppal (Photo: Murli)
An open drain poses threats to the life of not only the pedestrians but also the motorists of chilka nagar in uppal (Photo: Murli)
An open drain poses threats to the life of not only the pedestrians but also the motorists of chilka nagar in uppal (Photo: Murli)
An open drain poses threats to the life of not only the pedestrians but also the motorists of chilka nagar in uppal (Photo: Murli)
An open drain poses threats to the life of not only the pedestrians but also the motorists of chilka nagar in uppal (Photo: Murli)
An open drain poses threats to the life of not only the pedestrians but also the motorists of chilka nagar in uppal (Photo: Murli)
An open drain poses threats to the life of not only the pedestrians but also the motorists of chilka nagar in uppal (Photo: Murli)