Minister for Municipal Administration & Urban Development K Tarakarama Rao today said the government will be building one lakh double bed room houses soon and allocated Rs 8,650 crore for the purpose and called for tenders.
Responding to questions raised by the members during Question Hour on Tuesday, KTR said the TRS government was committed to stick to its word of transforming the Hyderabad into a world level city. He said the TRS government has succeeded in solving the drinking water problem in Hyderabad city. He also informed that the government took perfect steps with regard to supplying drinking water to all households.
The Minister also made it clear that the government took steps to see that there would not be any delay in Metro Water Board works and the government spent Rs 1,000 crore last year. He said the government has prepared a comprehensive plan for the development of roads in City. He also informed that developmental works were going on in a speedy manner under the GHMC limits. (NSS)