Hyderabad: The Cyber Crime Police here today arrested one Chirpa Naresh of Nawabpet in Mahbubnagar, who had made abusive comments against Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao and his daughter and Nizamabad MP Kavitha through Facebook.
On receipt of a complaint from G Srininvas Yadav, TRSV Sate President, who stated a few Facebook profiles were posted with obscene and objectionable content against Chief Minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao and his family members and sought action, the The Cyber Crime Police registered a case and took up investigation. During investigation, it was found that a few Facebook profiles were being circulated with morphed pictures of KCR and posted the same on Facebook and made abusive comments about Nizamabad MP Kavitha.
Inspector N Mohan Rao and Sub-Inspector Madan are investigating the case under the supervision of ADCP KCS Raghu Vir.