Police arrested 22-year-old Konisetti Krishna today, who allegedly made a futile attempt to rob two ATM counters of State Bank of Hyderabad (SBH) and Canara Bank in the city, a few days ago. The accused, Konisetti Krishna, a native of Yarramsettivanipalem, which comes under the Narsapuram police station in West Godavari district, used to be an operator at Akash Dredging Marine Services. He came to the city on January 19 and stayed at the railway station and NAD Junction areas in the city, police commissioner B Shivadhar Reddy told reporters. On January 21, Krishna allegedly hatched a plan to rob an ATM counter of SBH, located at Muralinagar, which had no security guard. He wore a mask and broke open the front doors of the ATM counter, but failed in his attempt and left the place. Allegedly, he also attempted to rob the ATM counter of Canara Bank at Muralinagar on January 24. He broke open the front door of the Canara Bank ATM and cut open the rear side of the ATM counter by using a grinding machine, but failed in his attempt. Based on CCTV footage from the SBH ATM counter, the police suspected Krishna and he confessed his attempt to rob the ATM counters, the police said. PTI