On Navroz, Kashmiris find leech therapy as solution to long-term ailments

A large number of people from different parts of Kashmir including men, women, and children can be seen in the Hazrat Bal area of Srinagar City to get Leech therapy done on the eve of Navroz.

21 March is celebrated as Navroz in many parts of the world to mark the first days of the Spring Season. Kashmir also celebrates the Navroz as the first day of the spring season. Besides planting new tree saplings, people throng the practitioners of leech therapy. It is believed that this treatment is more effective on the days of Navroz than on other days.

“I had leech therapy on my feet last year and it was very effective as my frostbites were cured and this year I came to do the same to my hands as they are suffering from the same problem,” says Bilal Ahmad. Bilal hails from the Batpora area of Srinagar city which is almost 7 kilometers away from Hazratbal where leech therapy is performed.

The European medicinal leech, Hirudo Medicinalis, is one of the several species of leeches used for medicinal therapy.

Scores of people gathered on the bank of Dal Lake in Hazratbal Srinagar to get leech therapy done on the eve of Navroz
People use leech therapy to cure from different skin diseases
People including Men, women , children getting leech therapy done on the eve of Navroz in Srinagar
Leech therapy is being done in Srinagar on the eve of Navroz
Kashmir people buying plants and trees on the eve of Navroz in Kashmir as they believe that plants which are planted on Navroz grow up healthy
Kashmir people buying plants and trees on the eve of Navroz in Kashmir as they believe that plants which are planted on Navroz grow up healthy
A man gets leech therapy done on his neck to cure skin related problems
A women uses cotton to stop blood coming out from his face after getting done with leech therapy