Hyderabad: After the spread of omicron, the latest variant of coronavirus, the employees of the IT companies are living under constant fear.
There are around 1200 IT companies in Telangana’s capital Hyderabad where more than 6 lakh employees are working. After the assurance given by the state government, these companies have instructed their employees to get COVID-19 vaccination to resume their duties.
After the spread of this new variant, the software engineers are fearful once again.
Omicron which originated in South Africa has spread fast in many countries of the world. The reputed IT companies in Hyderabad have business relations with countries where this variant is spreading fast. The IT companies management are in a big dilemma over their next decision under the current circumstances.
“In view of its highly contagious nature the city’s IT companies are in a fix,” said the President of Telangana information technology Association (TITA) Sandeep. There is a great change in the method of working in IT companies. Many employees have lost their jobs.”
According to a representative of an IT company many employees were given health packages and they are prepared to work from the offices. However, those employees between the age of 40 to 50 are reluctant to continue work from their offices.
“Working from home may lead to many psychological issues once again,” the representative said.